Larch Madness

Larch larch larch larch larch ….. laaaaarrchhh

This October, I went with my friend Erica and we set off for the Enchantments thru-hike. It appears every time I get amnesia about the hike because there are some very key details I always forget

  • LARCH larch larch larch larch larch larch
  • No but seriously HOW AMAZING is this place
  • I should get a core permit (aside to the audience, I’ve stopped even bothering to apply for the lottery)

My knee is not what it used to be and 8,500 feet of descent is a major suck. Worth it? Well take a look for yourself and see.

Some tips for the uninitiated: Pack light, leave early, bring snacks. Most importantly, bring good company. As luck would have it, every previous attempt at the Enchantments has taken ~hours longer than expected due to injuries and what not. It was truly a pleasant and enjoyable time to travel with someone as well-prepared and good-spirited as Erica. She even brought a music playlist for the slog known as “the hike to Snow Lake (and beyond)”